Classroom Etiquette
EPA is an advanced ballet and performing arts program for dancers who are driven to excel. In order to achieve the skill level desired, students should understand the necessary level of focus and concentration that will be required of them prior to attending class. Students will be encouraged to learn dance technique primarily through observation and execution. Unnecessary talking during class is discouraged. Students who are disruptive to the class will be asked to observe class so that others may continue their work. If disruption continues, the EPA staff will contact the parent/guardian to address the issues.
Students are expected to do the following:
– Line up in the hallway when it is time for class. When given permission, the students should enter the studio quickly and quietly.
– If a student must enter late, she/he must wait in the doorway until acknowledged by the teacher, at which time the dancer should ask for permission to enter the studio.
– Treat everyone with the utmost respect at all times.
– Only one student at a time will be allowed to the leave the studio to use the restroom.
– If a student needs to sit down during class for any reason (not feeling well, injury), they will not be permitted to rejoin the class until the following week. For example, if a dancer must sit down during ballet class due to illness, they will have to watch the remainder of that class and will only be permitted to observe their other classes. Dancers who are observing due to injury will be required to take notes during their classes which they will turn in to their instructor.
– Keep a dance journal—a notebook in which to write corrections, combinations and goals. This is a great learning tool! We recommend time before class is spent reviewing these journals, not playing on phones!
– Thank the teacher at the end of class.
We recommend that all students purchase Technical Manual and Dictionary of Classical Ballet. It is a wonderful resource and is available on for $5.95. (